Friday, January 18, 2013

It's the most wonderul time of the year!


Conner is obsessed with sledding. He got a new sled and was laying on it in the house for days. Here he is getting ready for church.
 My mom arranged for us to go to this really cool free Christmas activity called Stringtowns Polar express (or something like that). We were all blown away by it. A bunch of families have come together and made this little train that goes through all their yards and fields. It's a small thing (as seen below) but it was still cool none the less. The first half of the ride was the polar express journeying to the North Pole. Once you get to the North Pole you go into a cottage where Santa and some of his elves are. Santa gives each kid a candy cane and bell. Then he does this little presentation on Jesus being the true meaning of Christmas. After the North Pole you get back on the train and the second half of the journey is spiritual. It starts with the manger then has pictures blown up of the Savior as he got older and then eventually his death and resurrection. The whole time there is music playing and it was really quite an experience. I hope to be able to do it every year.

I wouldn't say Conner was thrilled to sit on Santas lap but at least he didn't cry.
We did Christmas with Mark's family the weekend before Christmas and it was really fun. I'm kind of a Christmas Nazi so I had a schedule for us of all the different stuff we were going to do.
The best Christmas picture we could get.

 Christmas Eve we celebrated Christmas at my parents house. Conner does better when he can watch and mimic Carson and Audrey. Sadly I didn't get many pictures from the night

 Then we had our own little Christmas morning at our house.
Mark does awesome wrapping :)

The day after Christmas we went up to my Grandparents cabin in Island Park. Despite the fact that Conner got a horrible case of the flu it was pretty fun. I have to say that as a mother that has been one of the saddest/scariest things I've seen him go through. He didn't eat anything solid for 4 days!! I was freaking out! After several phone calls to the doctor we just focused on him drinking pedia sure and resting. He threw up SO MANY TIMES! A toddler throwing up is definitely no fun because he wasn't the best at communicating when or where he would throw up. Despite the flu we managed to go sledding a bunch and play TONS of games. Due to all the little children we've taken up playing our board games on the ipad. Ticket to Ride was the most played. Due to Conner being sick I didn't take very many pictures. Luckily Con was able to sled one day.

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