Conner loves to play peek-a-boo. Sometimes it's me or Mark hiding behind something and sometimes he plays and does it himself. He's understanding object permanence really well now which is good and bad. Not so good because it means I can't just put something under my leg and make it disappear and good because it means he's developing :)
For some reason Conner refuses to crawl. Instead he turn himself to the right angle with his arms then roll wherever he wants to go. Sometimes he fakes us out and will be up on all fours but then when we encourage him to move forward he falls on his stomach and acts like he's swimming. If we stand him up he will hold onto chairs or his crib (as seen above) and has even taken a step or two. I'm thinking he's just going to roll around till he walks. He loves it when his daddy helps him practice walking all over the house and he can move pretty quick if you're standing above him holding his hands. His walk does slightly resemble a soldier though.
While he is usually content to play by himself he would much prefer to be held and played with. When he's being held he loves to be touching or grabbing your face. He thinks it's funny to put his fingers in your mouth or put both hands on your cheeks.
I'm a little embarrassed to admit it because this was one of the things that I hoped Conner wouldn't get from me, but he shakes when he gets excited... I always used to get made fun of for doing it and I'm afraid Conner is going to face the same fate. He does it when he's excited or frustrated with a toy, when you pick him up, when he sees grandma or grandpa or someone he's familiar with, or when he's excited about eating. Poor kid.
Conner still doesn't sleep through the night. Every time I tell myself I'm going to exercise some tough love and let him cry it out he gets sick and I don't feel right doing it then. Something about hearing that little cough makes me give in every time!
He goes to bed at 7:30 and usually wakes up in the morning anywhere from 7:30-8:15. He usually wakes up at least once a night sometimes twice. The first time is around midnight which I don't really mind because with him going to bed at 7:00 I start missing him and I enjoy cuddling. It's the 4-o-clock feeding that I definitely need to get rid of! As far as naps go he'll take 3 naps a day if his first nap is under an hour but if it is over an hour an a half then he'll only take 2 naps.
I've really tried to get a solid schedule down but every time I think I've got it he switches things up on me. I'm okay with that though because his flexibility allows me to go run errands and things like that without a problem.
Being a mom has brought a lot of changes but fun and difficult but I would take them all in a heart beat because I can't imagine life without my little Conster J!
Lily never crawled. She rolled around until she walked. :) He is adorable and so big already!
ReplyDeleteI love all the big smiles for the camera!!!