Every time I read my friends blogs I'm envious of the visits to the park, library, zoo, etc... I'm jealous of the cute and often funny experiences they share with their children, or of the success and freedom that having a career brings. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful for everything I've been able to do thus far in my almost quarter of a century lived it's just...I've had about enough of school, never having time to cook a real meal, not having a clean house, never playing the piano, and not enjoying my husband. Everyone tells me life only gets busier as you get older but I don't understand how that could be true? I leave every morning at 7:00 for work, after work go straight to school, and don't get home till 8:00 p.m. at which point I do my homework. Maybe it's true that life will always be this busy--and truthfully I wouldn't want it any other way--I'm just ready for a different type of busy, that's all.